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Why Should You Hire a Shopify CTO in 2024?

Written By Sidrah Nizami – Last Modified On August 29, 2024

Looking to Hire a Shopify CTO For Your Company?

Hamid M. Chishty

Co Founder
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If you are a web-based business startup or an organization developing quickly or have a tremendous web-based business presence, having a Shopify chief technology officer will build your odds of coming out on top. This most certainly relies upon assuming you are simply hoping to remain float or develop exceptionally quickly and utilize innovation.

Amazon is undoubtedly the best web-based business organization around, and here is a statement from its CEO.

According to Jeff Bezos, the success of Amazon is possible because of the analysis they run daily.

So what things are these analyses going to, for the most part, be? Indeed the vast majority of them will be connected with innovation.

  • How to utilize innovation to suggest the best product strategies?
  • A/B testing of pages
  • Showcasing computerization
  • Server framework to convey the quickest speeds on page stacks, ETC.

So to develop quickly and do a ton of tech tries, a decent CTO on your side would assist you with arriving quicker. This article will give an in-depth overview of a Shopify CTO and how it might help you.

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What Is CTO as a Service?

CTO as a service or Chief Technology Officer acts as a business advisor, oversees Shopify’s technology platform used within a business, and recommends any improvements that would help better the efficiency of the business. For startups, a CTO helps build a product and interact with the research and development. They coordinate with your short or long-term focus and assess how much investment is required to reach that goal which really makes sense. 

A CTO gives feedback to the company’s CIO or, in some cases, directly to the CEO or founder of the business. 

While having a full-time dedicated CTO is excellent, some startups prefer outsourcing tasks to an external CTO. This helps them to get the required skills without paying a considerable amount. 

A CTO can help you in several ways, such as. A CTO can:

  • Upgrade your business execution
  • Increase the value of your business
  • Limit expenses
  • Assist you with pitching your project
  • Assist in improving and speeding up the business development plan
  • Decrease activity threats and operational risks
  • Give oversight of the business market patterns

How to Hire a CTO for Shopify?

We already talked about how important CTO is for startups, and if you are starting a Shopify store, you also fall in the same category. Various factors will determine the success of your Shopify store, but a Shopify CTO can help minimize the risk of failure. Here is how you can hire a trustworthy and reliable CTO for your business when you are just starting.

shopify sign on their headquarters building in ottawa ontario canada picture id1313863889 1.jpg

1- Local Meetups And Conferences

Many individuals with comparative interests and perspectives come to such occasions. One reason for that is building your network. It’s a fantastic method for finding a CTO who is a close friend.

2- University Associates 

One of the primary reasons universities are so significant is networking. On the web, you can find different instances of profitable new businesses sent off by graduated classes of a similar institution. Many deliberately advance the soul of business and assist with establishing and setting up a climate reasonable for it all around.

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3- Employees of Various Tech Organizations

Profoundly qualified individuals work closely in such organizations. Many of them would favor the formation of their product into corporate culture. For that reason, they make their own new companies close to their primary occupation. Hire CTO advisory services from an industry that suits you. For instance Cisco – assuming that you work with PC organizations or Salesforce – on the off chance that your area has to do with promoting robotization. It will assist you with finding an individual who has specialized abilities as well as professional training in the essential region.

4- Networking Platforms

These platforms consolidate every one of the things above. This is where you can find individuals who are now inspired by a specific subject. The most famous among them are CoFoundersLabFounder2beFoundersNation, Angel.co, and Hachi.

Is Shopify CTO Really Helpful?

You might have already heard a lot about how a CTO as a service guide can help a business grow and a startup sets strong roots in the market. But when it comes to a Shopify store, people are often confused about whether a CTO would be of any help or not. The answer to this question may differ but first let’s talk about how Jean-Michel Lemieux, the official CTO of Shopify has helped the e-commerce platform grow. 

Lemieux and Shopify’s chief architect is set to step down from their positions in the coming month however they both say that there is a lot they have learned and improvised from their time in Shopify and are excited to help other startups in launching their first ever products. 

During Lemieux’s time in Shopify, the platform has generated a $130 billion market cap. The figure does not come off as a surprise because many VPS-leading entrepreneurs give credit to Shopify for being at the core of the Canadian entrepreneurial system. 

Take Craig Miller, who has previously worked as Shopify’s chief product officer, as an example. After leaving the company, Miller went on to advise and invest in startups producing clean tech while still working full time. Today he is the main element behind successful companies such as Housecall Pro and Planetary Hydrogen. 

Now coming to the question “will a CTO as a service guide be helpful for your Shopify store?” 

First thing first, Shopify is no child play. Setting up a Shopify store takes a lot of effective Shopify technology platforms and tactics and if you are just starting out then hiring an expert Shopify CTO would be really helpful. 

Since they have already worked with many businesses and helped set up different Shopify stores, the technical requirements would be a breeze for them. But that is not the only reason why you should hire a Shopify CTO. 

Their advice would be really valuable for you to grow your store in less time. Shopify CTOs are experts in devising new and unique strategies for your store that can help attract more customers.

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Why do you need a CTO for your Shopify store?

You might have heard a lot of people say that Shopify is a beginner-friendly e-commerce platform and their customer support is ready to assist you 24/7- which is true but the thing is it’s a really saturated platform where new products are being introduced with every passing hour and in order to launch your store in a strong way you need to figure out some strategy to stand out. And this is exactly where a Shopify CTO comes to the rescue. 

A Shopify CTO: 

  • Helps unite your team on a common goal and vision in order to deliver an astounding product to your clients. 
  • Work intimately with the more extensive initiative group to drive business development and business results, and to advance the product guide at a high rhythm
  • Own and oversee security, execution, and accessibility of the online store stage
  • Give innovation administration for programming designers who are dealing with the web-based business stage

And if your online store needs someone to deal with the above-mentioned aspects then you definitely need a Shopify CTO by your side.

Cost of a Shopify CTO

Not all Shopify stores are something very similar. There are numerous factors to web composition and advancement cost, for example, the number of exchanges each month by a world-class engineering team drastically working, item pages, and plan customization, all of which will influence how much a fractional CTO costs.

By and large, web-based business sites with 1000 items or less demanding a Shopify CTO range from $5,000 to $55,000 to assemble. Once more, that equivalent site, (with 1000 items or less) will cost between $15,000 to $30,000 each year to keep up with.

On the off chance that you’re hoping to enlist a site improvement administration, ask what promoting administrations accompany the bundle while looking at costs, as additional administrations might assist with power future opportunities.

For instance, assuming you have internet infrastructure surplus business SEO administrations included, it will set aside cash on and assist with supporting your rankings prior. Sending off a site that is now enhanced for SEO simplifies it and is more effective to get traffic and clients.

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How To Save the Shopify Cost? 

Putting resources into an incredible online store merits each penny, however, there are some saving tips, particularly on the off chance that you’re a startup brand.

The following are a couple of cost-saving tips while obtaining and constructing an online store. 

1) Look for consultants on Upwork or Fiverr

Employing specialists to assemble and keep up with your store is extremely savvy. You can search for specialists on Upwork, Fiverr, and other outsourcing sites. LinkedIn is one more extraordinary source as well as your own organization.

2) Attempt before you purchase with free preliminaries

Continuously exploit free preliminary proposals prior to paying for a full-time Shopify CTO. Along these lines, you’ll better grasp how a specific company or individual will work for you. Likewise, you’ll have an involved premise of correlation with assistance when you pursue a last choice.

3) Figure out how to build and keep up with the site yourself

Most web-based business locales have inherent elements that permit the proprietor to deal with numerous upkeep errands without an engineering team. This will save an extraordinary arrangement in labor costs.

Check with customer assistance to perceive how great leaders help, and the way in which they can help you in keeping up with the site without outside help.

4) Search for limits and unique offers

As an entrepreneur, you realize that everything is debatable. Continuously request a markdown or another client discount. A few organizations might have an unpublished rebate or group that will set aside your cash.

Additionally, consider paying yearly for things like facilitating and other combinations. Paying every year instead of month to month can save you 10% to 25% or more.

5) Contribute shrewdly to the initial time

You could set aside cash by employing an unpracticed CTO— however when your site crashes on Black Friday, who are you going to call?

Finishing all that properly the initial time around can save a ton of time, and cash, and keep away other problems that might come along the way. . While setting up your store, employ individuals with experience and buy the most noteworthy evaluated items and applications you can bear.

Try not to pay for “good-to-haves,”  yet go overboard on the fundamental components that will work on your site, client experience, and deals.

Bottom Line

That was our take on How a Shopify CTO can help you take your store to a good start. While the platform is itself really user-friendly and there is nothing to be afraid of, having an expert by your side will save you considerably. And this is where Hapy’s Shopify CTO plays its part. Our CTOs are experienced and well versed with the day-to-day advancements happening in the e-commerce world and thus can bring the best for your business. 

Thanks for reading.


Who is the CTO of Shopify?

Jean-Michel Lemieux is the former CTO at Shopify 

Which technology is used in Shopify?

Shopify uses 80 technology products and merchant services including HTML5, Google Analytics, and jQueryÂ