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Benefits of Using and Making a Dating App in 2024

Written By Sidrah Nizami – Last Modified On July 3, 2024

Want to Develop a Mobile App for Your Customers?

Hamid M. Chishty

Co Founder
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The most recent method of meeting someone is through an online dating app. In the past, there were other ways to meet or attract people of the opposite sex, such as friends, acquaintances, college events, gym sessions, etc. However, modern online dating and meetups have replaced all other possibilities. Mobile dating apps are becoming increasingly necessary, and thousands of years have contributed significantly to this growth. Even though most people utilize social media dating apps, you can assume it may be tried at some point.

Since so much of our lives are online, dating apps like Plenty Offish, Tinder, OkCupid, Bumble, etc., have grown in popularity over the past several years. 

In this blog, we put together a thorough guide to the world of dating apps. You will learn how to create a dating app by studying interesting examples, necessary features, prices, and timelines. In addition to advice on how to locate a developer for your project.

What Is a Dating App?

A software application known as a dating app takes advantage of the GPS capabilities of the user’s smartphone to locate individuals, communicate with them, and arrange dates to forge romantic connections.

A dating app is a mobile platform that brings together individuals with similar interests, such as friendship or romance. Typically, the software enables users to see images and communicate with one another via chat and video calls.

Some dating apps require you to complete a lengthy questionnaire to evaluate your matches, while others let you choose how the data is filtered. Simply put, it analyses people based on fundamental traits like age, gender, location, goals, and interests. The likelihood that you will be shown the profile of a particular person increases as the criterion suits your preference more precisely.

How to Create a Dating App?

1. Competition Study – Analyze your Competitors

Many apps are on the market, so you want yours to stand out as the finest. Therefore, it’s critical that you thoroughly research your competition.

You could learn the causes of your rivals’ success or failure by analyzing them thoroughly. Utilizing this knowledge, you might create a successful dating app similar to Tinder for your business.

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Analyze their characteristics closely to see what they are doing differently. With a few minor exceptions, they are all essentially the same. And it is these minuscule variations that distinguish them. By studying their differences, you’ll be sure that none of their distinctive qualities is mistakenly repeated on your platform.

2. Validate Your Idea to Create a Dating App – Is It Worth It?

Even though 70% of women and 60% of men in the US confess they have never attempted internet dating, its growing acceptance suggests otherwise. These apps generate close to $1667 million in income in the US alone.

What then accounts for this level of popularity? Why do consumers adore these apps so much? Are there still buyers in the market? There are some excellent arguments in favor of that!

a. Desire To Connect Meets Desire To Simplify

Everyone should desire to interact and establish connections with others since we are human beings.

And that is how such apps came to be.

b. Internet Popularity

There may have once been a stigma associated with looking for dates online. People used to believe that only losers used these platforms.

Nowadays, everything is done online, including ordering groceries and bill payments. So it stands to reason that even dating will eventually go online.

c. Tailor-Made For Your Preferences

A “tall blonde companion with brown eyes who is an astronomy aficionado and who speaks five languages” is not an easy person to find.

People can easily find matches depending on their religion, thanks to apps and websites like Christian Mingle and Date; people can easily find matches depending on their faith.

d. Less Intimacy, Easy To Find

People don’t have time to sit down and compose lengthy, sappy love letters or to have a conversation to get to know one another better. Even if they succeed, it will be a waste of time and effort if it doesn’t work out.

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3. Know the Matching Algorithm to Make a Dating App

Most dating app engineers think that, in the end, it’s the algorithm voodoo that connects people. However, it’s not always the case.

These days, dating app makers are experimenting with AI and dating applications. In the next 20 years, the online matchmaking market will likely transform due to the integration of AI into such apps.

As a result, think carefully about how you will pair people while developing a dating app similar to Tinder. Your program must be designed to accommodate user preferences. An easy-to-use questionnaire during the registration process can help with this.

a. ‘Locating’ The Perfect Person

The setting is everything. Being matched and going on dates with someone near your user is usually simpler. So if you want to create a dating app that helps users find possible matches, you may employ a GPS-based positioning system.

They will be able to quickly locate a list of everyone who would be a good match, and everyone on the list will be from the same city.

With this, you may incorporate a unique monetization option where customers can pay to widen their search and matching parameters. This will improve their chances of falling in love and bring in money for you.

b. Understand the Math Of Love to Create a Dating App

You can use a mathematical approach to match the users with one another. It is based on the questionnaire users must complete subscribing to the service. After students have completed the forms, math can start working its magic. 

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Using the responses to the questions, this technique is used to determine how compatible two users are. They are paired when the compatibility level exceeds a predetermined threshold.

c. Match According To Behavior

Any internet platform suffers from the sad fact that people frequently tell lies. For this reason, you should use the behavior-based matching method. This involves using Big Data to match users of dating apps.

Although it is a little more challenging than a location-based or straightforward question-and-answer approach, it is more accurate. You will use this to analyze user information gathered from many sources, including social media accounts, groups they are a part of, profiles, etc.

With this strategy, catfishing on your platform will decline.

d. Bonus: Advanced Techniques For Making A Match

The dating environment is changing because of cutting-edge technologies like machine learning, artificial intelligence, Virtual Reality, and augmented reality. By doing this, you may give users more precise matches. In today’s dating apps, the well-known machine learning technology used by Netflix is employed.

You can incorporate many different matching strategies into your app. Make sure the matches between the users are good, whichever option you choose. People won’t use your platform as much otherwise.

4. Keep the Security Top-notch While Making Your Dating App

Online dating sites have drawbacks in addition to their benefits. Such online venues might quickly become a haven for scammers and creeps if sufficient protection isn’t in place. Therefore, you must ensure that your dating app is secure for users if you want to learn how to create one for Android or iOS.

To secure your users’ security, you must adhere to a comprehensive app security checklist. Verify new platform users’ profiles by using a profile verification technique. You may verify that the users of your app are real and are not impersonating someone else by using social networking and phone number verification. As people can easily trust it, it will also help improve your app’s user experience.

5. Important Features To Implement in Your Dating App

You must include a few elements in your application to create a dating site like Tinder. So what are these fundamental yet crucial characteristics?

a. A Thorough Verification System

b. Matching With Your Objective

c. In-app Messaging

d. Giving You The Perfect First Date Idea

e. Undoing The Mistaken Swipe Or Like

f. See The Preference – Do They Like The Same Thing As You?

g. Push Notification

6. Identify Your Tech Stack

Knowing the technological stack is one of the duties of creating a successful dating app. The experts at Unified employ the tools and technologies listed below to build dating apps, but your demands may alter this.

Framework: React, Express.Js, Node.js

Programming tools: Swift, Java, and Kotlin 

Payment Gateway Integration: PayPal, Stripe, CCAvenue, 

Web Server: Nginx, AWS

Database: SQL,  Redis, MongoDB

Google Maps, Twilio, and Google Analytics are also required. Once more, it can vary depending on the features, usability, and style of the dating app you want to create. For a thorough estimate, speak with one of our knowledgeable developers for dating mobile app development.

7. Dating App Development Cost

The characteristics of a dating application will determine how much it will cost to create. Similarly, a dating platform’s price depends on several app features.

You can budget up to $70 000 for a single-platform software, $55 000 for a simple dating app, and $100 000 for a cross-platform or hybrid app with premium features for a Tinder-like app that combines the advantages and functionality patterns.

What are the Features of a Dating App?

1) Registration and Sign-in

You must have quick and easy sign-in choices to create a dating app similar to Tinder. Give customers account registration options, including phone, email, and social media. Don’t forget to emphasize that their social media pages will not show their own dating app account. 

The registration process’s simplicity and minimal effort are its most crucial components. The choice to sign up for a dating site is typically impulsive and motivated by curiosity or even boredom. For good user retention, give your users quick and simple access to the database of profiles.

2) Profile Editing

How can I create a dating app that is flexible and engaging? To enable users to utilize the application immediately, start by providing a straightforward profile containing age, name, location,  and photo. However, enabling fine-tuning is a smart step that aids consumers in discovering compatible mates. Users can provide as much information as they like in their profiles, including their physical characteristics, interests, hobbies, preferences like drinking and smoking, and more.

3) Geolocation

For the creation of a dating app, geolocation is a crucial component. This functionality is crucial because these apps use the users’ location to display the closest profiles. Most users utilize dating services to find people nearby, even if some allow looking for prospective matches across wider areas. Instead of just a city or zip code, you should ideally enable accurate location detection. Different districts could be tens of kilometers apart, especially in big cities. Users will be able to find a date in a certain place and receive a special value proposition if an “available now” option is added.

4) Swiping Feature

The proposed profile can be swiped left or right. It is an optional feature because it has already been incorporated into many dating apps. However, you should consider including this function if you want to provide users with something they are accustomed to.

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5) Messaging

Any dating app’s chat message might be called its “engine.” Although it is an essential requirement, it can be challenging to discourage users from exchanging contracts and moving their chat outside the platform. Full-featured chat and in-app messaging are useful in this situation. Your dating app can also include voice notes and video calling as alternatives to SMS texting.

6) Push Notifications

The engagement of a dating app can be increased via push notification. It may be a polite reminder to check the app, a notification about a new message, or a notification about a new match.

Even when not using the app, users must be reminded that they may have a match or someone is waiting to talk with them. The best way to inform them is through notifications. As a result, user engagement will increase, and you’ll have more chances to interact with them.

7) AI Matching

An AI matching algorithm that pairs users based on their likes and preferences, app usage activity metrics, or other factors are necessary for a dating app to function. Including some popular ones, Mashable offers a good summary of how matching algorithms operate:

  • GPS-based matching based on location
  • Users’ responses to inquiries about their interests, preferences, and even political opinions provide the basis of mathematically-based matching.
  • The behaviour-based matching algorithm records information about how the user uses the dating application.
  • Machine learning algorithms “learn” what a user is looking for based on successful or unsuccessful matches, increasing the algorithm’s accuracy and match quality.

8) Support Team

The dating app development with a high possibility of success necessitates hiring a skilled customer support crew. Users may be perplexed by the intricacies, flaws, and Premium app version. One of the best ways to solve most bugs is by giving them a responsive team.

Learn about it if you’re wondering how to design a dating app that offers the best customer service. You can use a chatbot that would respond to frequent queries and have staff members that can respond to special and difficult user requests.

Thanks to this technology, you’ll be able to provide immediate assistance and instantly respond to predefined inquiries. With more money available, you can put machine learning technology into use, which will broaden the range of possible solutions by continuously gathering and analyzing past data. Additionally, if the query or problem is too complicated for the chatbot to handle, it can be referred to the customer service staff.

9) Deleting and Freezing an Account

Create a dating website or app with the ability to instantly freeze and remove an account. Users eventually meet someone, grow weary of using dating apps or just need a break from dating. How can I create a dating site or app with this feature? Offer a simple procedure for closing the account permanently or putting it on temporary pause.

10) Undoing Swipes

How can users correct their swiping errors in an app similar to Tinder? If you’re developing a Tinder-like app, give users the option to reverse bad swipes. Most apps, like Tinder, only offer this option to Premium users to persuade non-paying users to sign up for a subscription. Users may swipe left instead of right due to the repetitive nature of swiping and lose out on a matching possibility. Users can adjust their swipes by going back and undoing them.

11) Social Media Integration

This connection can assist users in meeting more individuals in their immediate area and registering via social media networks. Many apps provide you access to your social media network’s connections, making it easier to find dates because you already have at least one friend in common. 

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Avoiding your prior relationships is a problem that social media integration can address. How can a dating app help the user stay away from their ex-partners? Another benefit of social media integration is the ability to eliminate certain individuals from the pool. Users can select people they do not want to view on the app, such as coworkers, ex-lovers, relatives, etc.

12) Account Verification

Add account verification if you want to learn how to create a dating app with a high level of security. Even though it is advised against doing so, account verification should happen quickly after registration to guarantee a higher level of security. Doing this ensures that the person you are speaking to is the same as their picture. As their information will be stored in the database, this step also discourages users with criminal intentions from downloading the software.

13) Panic Button

How can a dating app be made that raises the bar on security issues? Some dating apps now need to incorporate a panic button to increase security. Users who feel dangerous while out on a date can press the panic button to alert the dating app administrator, who will look into the situation and contact the police. This increases security and gives users of the application a sense of security.

Importance of a Dating App

1- Provides Privacy

For most people, privacy is a top priority, particularly in romantic relationships. Without relying on friends or family, dating apps assist users in finding suitable matches. This is a massive comfort because it allows complete customer discretion over who they choose to go out with. When selecting who you can or cannot date, friends and relatives frequently go too far and interject. Users appreciate the value of dating apps, which is one reason they are willing to pay a subscription price.

2- Compare Interests

You never know what to anticipate on a blind date, which is its worst aspect. Due to the extensive member profiles that show likes and lifestyle choices, dating apps are helpful in this regard. Users can choose dates in this way, depending on a user’s profile. Users may feel relieved that they have some background information about the prospective date. At the very least, common interests might spark a conversation and act as icebreakers.

3- No Risks

Most people find it intimidating to approach someone and propose a date. Any rejection hurts, but one benefit of dating apps is that a user can make a match request. The request may be approved or denied; however, since rejection in the internet environment is less personal, it won’t be as painful. This buffer enables individuals to approach potential partners they might not have come to in person. By doing this, users are giving themselves a fair chance to explore a prospective love connection, so they don’t have to be concerned about what might have been.

4- Numerous Options

Users can choose from an infinite number of options based on different criteria. For older people, this can mean looking for dates within their age range or someone younger. Another well-liked way to choose a date is to send a match request to someone based on shared interests. Additionally, users can utilize these apps to connect with potential partners from all around the world. One explanation for this is that dating apps have the potential to connect people looking for love, which is why their significance shouldn’t be understated.

Dating apps are crucial because they provide users with the freedom to connect with potential partners, even though not everyone can compete in the Bachelor franchise. If you’re still looking for love, now is the time to download a dating app to find the love of your life.

Benefits of Making a Dating App

Since the pandemic’s start, there has been an increase in the use of popular dating apps. The majority of people limit themselves to online dating. These benefits of dating apps dig deeper into the benefits of dating.

1- Excellently Matched Criterion

Numerous dating apps base their algorithmic decisions on preferences, age, and other significant considerations. Based on your prior selections, they also make fresh ideas. Without expending a lot of time and effort, you can locate someone with whom you share interests and start a conversation.

2- Matches Based on Location

Dating apps are one of the finest ways to locate the ideal individual for a committed friendship or romantic connection if you’re seeking a partner overseas. If you recently relocated to a new area, it is ideal. You might locate buddies who live or work nearby by using dating apps. Some apps keep track of your whereabouts and pair you up with people you’ve already met.

3- Easy to Use Search

Platforms for dating are available on every device and at any location. Dating apps streamline meeting new people and make it easy with a few simple steps. Individuals must install a mobile app, provide information, and post several high-quality photographs to attract more users.

4- Increasing Your Self-Assurance

It can be uncomfortable to approach new individuals for introverts and shy people. Dating apps provide users with the freedom to be authentic and judgment-free. Many platforms have an option to remain anonymous. Users that misbehave risk being barred.

5- Increased Safety

Protecting their users, particularly women, from inappropriate discussions and interactions is now a bigger priority for mobile dating applications. For instance, a chat option is only accessible when both users like one another first. If you didn’t permit more, the users only have limited access to your profile information and images.

6- Unexpected Market Research Chance

These dating websites and apps tend to attract many users between 18 and 30. This particular age group is also the one that modern commercial organizations target the most with their products and services. By observing your target audience’s activity, interests, and preferences on these applications, you may learn a lot about them.

7- Reduced Sense of Loneliness

Introverts are more likely to experience anxiety and goosebumps when socializing with others. In the worst instance, individuals could experience panic and anxiety episodes that put them in difficult circumstances.

People who are lonely and hesitant to communicate in person can benefit from dating apps. These apps are the best alternative, given that emotional intimacy is the need of the hour for everyone.

Why Do Users Delete Dating Apps?

Although it may seem obvious, a study by The Manifest found that 29% of users of such apps do it out of curiosity. Second place goes to convenience (19%), followed by third place for boredom (15%):

The two reasons why users delete apps the most are boredom (25%) and stress (18%):

57% of poll respondents acknowledged they had a good experience utilizing a dating website or app. However, 42% of respondents said their interactions with such services were unfavorable.

The design of these apps often causes the stress we experience when using them. Due to this, Tinder uses “matches” rather than the “invite-decline” strategy. Tinder offers no statistical data.

This implies that people’s self-esteem is secure because no one will ever find out how many times they were passed over or, conversely, chosen. Only voluntary and reciprocal communication.

How to Create a Dating App Using Native App Development?

Native dating app development requires using two tech stacks for Android and iOS. How can a Tinder-like app be made to run on iOS? Swift is a general-purpose, compiled programming language developed by Apple that iOS app developers use. It is well recognized that this quickly developing technology is quick, error-free, and open source. The well-established and reliable technology of Objective-C is another popular language for iOS programming.

How can I create an Android version of Tinder? Kotlin, a general-purpose programming language with type inference, is required for Android dating app development. The language is renowned for its simple syntax, compatibility with Java, and lack of defects. Another widely used Android language is Java, which has been around for more than 25 years and is renowned for its large community, various modules, libraries, and other tools.

How to Create a Dating App Using Cross-Platform Development?

A single reusable codebase can be used to launch two apps, which greatly shortens the development cycle. This technique is known as cross-platform dating app development. For the creation of platform-independent apps, several developers suggest using the open-source UI software dating app development kit, Flutter.

The kit offers remarkable efficiency, permits great quality assurance, and gives you access to the device’s inherent functionality. React Natural is another option that enables you to speed up dating app development and produce UIs that seem native.

Where Do You Get The Money From?

When creating a dating app, it’s important to think carefully about how it will make money. Even though there may be minor variations between iOS and Android monetization tactics, both platforms’ dating applications use the same sources of income.

We’ve selected the most popular methods for app creators to make money below. Each enables businesses to draw in, keep, and retain users, resulting in income.

1- In-app purchases

The most popular dating apps revenue method for your idea is in-app ads. You can make money by showing appropriate advertisements. Owners of customized mobile software have always benefited financially from the advertisement. Avoid annoying pop-ups and become familiar with new ad formats, particularly native ones. As a clever monetization tactic, some companies provide a premium edition that is paid for and has no adverts.

2- Premium access

You may easily monetize your application by granting users access to the premium features via subscription. Make sure you provide several subscription tiers for different user types.

3- Local partnerships

Last but not least, you can allow outside businesses to advertise their goods and services through your app and charge them using a cost-per-click or cost-per-mile basis. Users are assisted in planning their first date within the app by pertinent offerings like flower delivery, restaurant and hotel reservations, or taxi orders.

​​How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Dating App?

There is no definitive answer to this question because the price of developing a dating app depends on various variables and how (and where) you recruit your developers.

The price of developing a dating app might be anywhere between $50,000 and $150,000. The number of developers involved, the agreed-upon hourly/fixed rates, the number of hours put in, the use of paid tools, and the app’s complexity all affects the overall cost of the application’s development. 

For cross-platform app development using Flutter, the costs of the discovery phase, admin panel app development, and dating mobile app development range from $57,000 to $65,500. Native dating app development costs about 30% extra, which in this case would be at least $75,000 more.

Why Should You Hire Hapy as Your Dating App Development Team?

Hapy assists users in creating an Android dating app with personalized in-app chat to provide a secure environment and shield users from unfavorable remarks or acts. 

Hapy offers the best time-to-market and top-notch solutions. Our primary area of expertise is MVP, a minimal viable dating app that assists entrepreneurs in validating a company idea and gathering customer feedback.

Here is where you can explore our prior work portfolio and reviews. There is no shortage of software development companies that can support your efforts. We are a group of experts who can quickly produce high-performance apps with innovative UX/UI design. For more information on how to build a dating app and to receive a special price, get in touch with Hapy.

Bottom line

The realm of internet dating will inevitably expand. Online activity is increasing, and dating applications are becoming less taboo. Take advantage of the chance to create a dating website or app that appeals to your target market and aids people in making new relationships. 

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Finding true love is difficult. However, thanks to dating apps, we are coming closer to a time when meeting the right person won’t be as difficult. Talk to a reputable dating app development business if you intend to create a dating app but have not yet thought about what kind of app you will create.

Individuals worldwide are discovering that dating apps are the ideal way to meet and connect with people for dating, love, romance, and friendship. Demand for dating apps has significantly increased due to their constantly expanding user base.


How Do Dating Apps Make Money?

Dating applications mostly make money through in-app advertisements, in-app purchases, and subscriptions.

How Much Would It Cost to Make an App Like Tinder?

A Tinder-like app’s price largely depends on the sophistication of its functionality and the dating app development firm you select. Roughly between $45,000 and $58,000 for a cross-platform MVP and a native app, respectively.