ENOU Labs is now Hapy Co 🎉 We’ll be writing on it soon. Stay Tuned!

User Story

What is a User Story?

A User Story is a concise, informal description of a feature or functionality from the perspective of the end user. It is used in Agile development to capture the requirements of a user in a way that is easy to understand and prioritize. User stories help ensure that the development team builds features that meet user needs and deliver value.

A typical user story includes:

  • Title: A brief summary of the feature or functionality.
  • Description: A detailed explanation of what the user needs and why. Often written in the format: “As a [user type], I want [goal] so that [reason].”
  • Acceptance Criteria: Specific conditions that must be met for the story to be considered complete. These criteria define what success looks like for the feature.

User stories are essential for guiding development work, prioritizing tasks, and ensuring that the final product aligns with user expectations and business goals.