ENOU Labs is now Hapy Co 🎉 We’ll be writing on it soon. Stay Tuned!

Qualitative Research

What is Qualitative Research?

Qualitative Research involves collecting and analyzing non-numeric data to gain insights into user behavior, motivations, and experiences. This type of research focuses on understanding the “why” behind user actions, providing deep, contextual insights that help inform product design and development.

Qualitative research methods include:

  • User Interviews: In-depth conversations with users to explore their needs, challenges, and preferences.
  • Focus Groups: Facilitated discussions with small groups of users to gather diverse perspectives on a product or concept.
  • Ethnographic Studies: Observing users in their natural environment to understand how they interact with a product in real-world settings.
  • Usability Testing: Evaluating a product’s ease of use by observing users as they complete tasks.

Qualitative research is invaluable for uncovering insights that numbers alone cannot provide, leading to more user-centered products